
We highly recommend all users to look through this video as it explains step by step how you can join the RevShare.

1️⃣ Stake Your $BAZED

  • Where to Stake: Visit stake.bazed.bet and stake the amount you choose.

  • Already Staked? Skip to the next step!

2️⃣ Connect Your Account

  • Login Options: Choose between web2 and web3 login. Both are fine, even if you’ve previously used an email account.

  • How to Connect:

    • New Users: Sign up using your staking address. We support various standard Web3 integrations.

    • Existing Users: If your staking address isn’t linked, or if you have multiple staking accounts, follow these steps:

      • Make sure your additional account is ready (In Metamask, the globe icon should be green).

      • Click β€œ+ Connect” and select your web3 wallet.

      • Sign the message (no gas required).

      • Your address will now appear in your profile.

3️⃣ Claim Your RevShare

  • Claiming Process: Visit Bazed RevShare and hit the claim button.

  • Check Your Share: You’ll see your percentage of the pool and the claimable amount.

  • Multiple Accounts: Claim for each if you have more than one.

  • Access Your Funds: Once claimed, your balance is updated, ready to play or withdraw anytime.

Need Help? πŸ†˜

Contact our support directly on the website for assistance. Stay safe from impersonators and scammers - remember, we never DM first!

FAQ πŸ€”

  • Weekly Distribution: Rewards are shared every Sunday.

  • Multiple Addresses: Link several staking addresses to your Bazed.bet account.

  • Late Connection: Even if you stake first and connect later, you can still claim your funds.

More information about RevShare can be found below:


Last updated